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Keep Your Data Safe with Form Validation

Apply form validation in various ways

Create secure forms with auto SSL encryption. Use password protection, when necessary, and choose to accept submissions only from certain countries.

Form submissions are rightfully yours, all personal and collected information is confidential, and your forms are backed up daily.

Enable auto captcha form validation

Say no to spam with CAPTCHA form validation images. Use professional form validation to get only the information that you have requested, and limit the number of submissions from the same IP.
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Keep Your Data Safe with Form Validation

Apply form validation in various ways

Create secure forms with auto SSL encryption. Use password protection, when necessary, and choose to accept submissions only from certain countries.

Form submissions are rightfully yours, all personal and collected information is confidential, and your forms are backed up daily.

Enable auto captcha form validation

Say no to spam with CAPTCHA form validation images. Use professional form validation to get only the information that you have requested, and limit the number of submissions from the same IP.